Recess Framework
A solution for orchestrating large scale internet conventions by integrating registration software with Zoom

Simplify the experience for organizers and attendees
Recess was designed with simplicity, security, and scalability in mind. Recess scales with Zoom, supporting over 10,000 active participants.
Simplicity for Attendees
We built the Recess Framework to be easy for Attendees. No Login forms, no sign-in; just secure ticket links sent to an attendees email for a quick and simple authetnication flow.
Safe and Secure
Leveraging Zoom's comprehensive API, we have built tools to eliminate casual `ZoomBombing` and give administrators full control about who is allowed in an event, and who needs to be removed. Each Attendee's access is individually granted. No meeting ID & password that can leak.
Quick Deployment
Recess runs in the cloud, so maintaining infrastructure is eliminated. There is nothing to do except signup for Zoom and Eventbrite (or other supported registration software), add API keys, Configure DNS/Email, and run your event!
Highly Scalable
Recess can run with as few as 1 attendee or over 20,000! Leveraging Zoom means that scalability concerns are eliminated, and our software's light stack means users get quick load pages on their schedules/events!
Simplify Convention Management
Recess is built with a comprehensive Admin interface/API. You can configure Conventions, Memberships, Attendees, Tracks, Events, and even interaction with Telegram bots!
Cost Effective
The costs are only those of third party platforms. Recess is available for use with a requested donation to a non-profit, Partnership for Artists and Creative Individuals.
Workflow that just works
Go from concept and design of your virtual convention to reality within weeks.
Scheduling Software Provided
You are not only connecting Registration software with Zoom, but getting a world class event management solution integrated into the platform. These tools can reduce spend of other similar event scheduling tools.

Calendaring and Views Made Easy
We want to make the even simple for users to understand. We have built desktop and Mobile friendly tools to make knowing when events are going on, and joining those events; a snap!

Easy to use Admin Interface
Limit worries of not knowing how to manage attendees or events. Our tools make the process easy for dealing with mallicious attendees, keeping the event safe/secure, and empowering your convention operators with a slick and easy to use management interface.

Customer testimonials
We take pride in helping make successful events! We want to work with you to make it happen with limited friction. Below is feedback from a few recent events we helped support.
— FurCon had to make a quick choice after realizing we had to go to Virtual in 2021. The Recess team and platform were paramount to FurCon's success in 2021. Without their uncompromising dedication, countless hours of work meeting our requirements, and professionalism, I can say without a sliver of a doubt that there would not have been an FurCon 2021.
— We were able to quickly produce one of the first online cons hosting over 400 attendees on simultaneous HD Video from 20 countries around the world in an interactive multi day event. Recess was critical in making this happen; allowing us to accomplish our goal of safety and securely along with simplicity; literally zero tech issues.